Creativity is intelligence having fun -Einstein

I couldn't have hoped for a better moment to present you Athena Attorney's brand image than during the Tokyo Olympic Games, which are currently taking place from July 23 to August 8, 2021. Whether it's synchronicity or simple chance, it is with great excitement that I unveil my website and the branding behind my firm's image in immigration law and sports law.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained

First, the decision to start a law firm, rather than work for a large, established firm, is the result of much thought. On both sides, there are advantages and disadvantages to starting your own business. The old adage 'Nothing ventured, nothing gained' makes sense in this case.

Branding or the art of introspection 

The introspection stage is essential to be able to create a unique brand and visual identity. Everything is carefully thought out, but inspiration can also come at any time. The beginnings of my logo came about while I was watching an AHL game between the Tucson Roadrunners and the Ontario Reign. A fight breaks out, I notice a large law firm logo imprinted in the center of the ice. The idea inspires me, but the result takes us somewhere else entirely! The choice of an antique column as a logo represents strength, consistency and judgment.

Then, the forest green color to define the visual identity of Athena Avocat evokes a feeling of neutrality and detachment. It is the mediating colour par excellence! And it also represents the plenitude of nature and abundance.  

Passion, creativity and audacity

Passionate about sports, cosmopolitan and philanthropist at heart, I decided to found my own law firm to integrate my values and practice law in the areas I am passionate about.

The choice of the name of my firm was very simple, as if I had always known.

Athena is first of all a tribute to my daughter whom I had in the middle of my law studies, representative of my inner strength and my perseverance. My true armor.

Athena as a trademark is also in honor of the goddess Athena and the Games of the first Olympiad in Athens, in 1896.  

Athena - A goddess as a source of inspiration

Pallas Athena, ancient goddess of Greek mythology. A warrior deity, she is the representative of thoughtful bravery. Daughter of Zeus, she is the goddess of wisdom, intelligence and strategy. This goddess did not like battles, on the contrary, she was happy when she could solve conflicts and support the law by peaceful means. The values conveyed by this deity represent the fundamental values of the firm.

At Athena Attorney, alternative dispute resolution methods such as negotiation, mediation, conciliation, arbitration and collaborative law are always preferred to conventional legal procedures of the judicial system.

Athena - Back to the roots

The very first opening ceremony of the modern Olympic Games took place on April 5, 1896, in Athens, Greece. The atmosphere at the time was very festive, as the long-awaited event also coincided with the Greek national holiday. Probably the same style of atmosphere experienced during the last Quebec national day, coinciding with the Stanley Cup final between the Montreal Canadiens and the Tampa Bay Lightning.

At the time, Athens was selected as the venue for the Games of the First Olympiad because of the political-religious legacy of the very first ancient Olympic Games. Those first games, held in Olympia in 776 BC, were held in honor of Zeus, ruler of the gods in Greek mythology and father of Athena.

The choice of the name transcends the values of the firm but also serves as a nice big nod to sports law and the Olympic Games. 

With that, I welcome you to Athena Attorney ...

& Let’s go Team Canada!
Me Joanie Landry

Présidente fondatrice d’Athena Avocat Inc.