Canadian Immigration


Economic immigration and business mobility

Immigration and international recruitment are an integral part of the reality of Canadian companies that wish to remain competitive in the Canadian labour market. Whether you are a small, medium or large company, our team will accompany you with the highest standards of professionalism at each step of the process according to your objectives. Whether it is for the acquisition of qualified international personnel, intra-company transfers, the mobility of a temporary foreign worker, the planning of the arrival of a business visitor or the need to fill a labour shortage within your company, ATHENA AVOCAT® analyzes your needs, guides you through the various options available to you and develops a strategic plan specific to your company's situation.


Temporary residence

Temporary residence is an immigration status that allows foreigners to settle temporarily in Canada, either to work, study or live there temporarily. Our team will assist you in your immigration process to determine the most appropriate solution according to your short, medium and long-term objectives. Whether it is to obtain a temporary residence visa, a work permit, a study permit, an electronic travel authorization, a temporary resident permit or a restoration of status, tell us about your project and we will plan with you the steps necessary to achieve your goals.

Permanent residence

Permanent residence is an immigration status that allows a foreigner to settle permanently in Canada, to live, work, study and travel freely. Our team will accompany you throughout the immigration process, analyzing your needs, determining the best strategy for your situation and selecting the program that best suits your needs according to your province of destination. Our role is to support, advise and assist you in this important step of your life.


Obtaining Canadian citizenship allows a person to formalize their status in Canada. Unlike permanent residence, which is a precarious status, Canadian citizenship is the final step in the process of permanent immigration to Canada. Citizenship confers the same advantages as those obtained by permanent residence, in addition to granting the Canadian the right to vote in federal, provincial and municipal elections, the right to hold any job, the possibility of obtaining dual citizenship, the Canadian passport, and the granting of Canadian status to your children. Our team advises all persons with permanent resident status to begin the process of obtaining their citizenship as soon as they meet the requirements to apply for it, subject to other cultural or religious considerations.


Sponsorship and family reunification

The family reunification and sponsorship immigration programs allow Canadian citizens and permanent residents to be reunited with a close family member living abroad. Whether your goal is to sponsor your spouse, common-law or conjugal partner, your dependent children, your parents, your grandparents or a family member from another close family class, our team will accompany and guide you through each step of the immigration process to find the most appropriate solution for your situation and to ensure that each step is completed in compliance with government requirements so that your project becomes a reality and you are reunited with your family members shortly.


Contact us if you want more information about our services


« It always seems impossible until it’s done. »

– Nelson Mandela